Grief stricken from hardship and heartbreak over losing his beloved daughter and mother, Gary Manson took his own life on April 22nd, 2022. By his humble request he asked for no service, ceremony, or funeral but for those who care to celebrate his life if they can find it in their hearts to forgive him for his own devastated emotional state and the things he had done because of such distress. Both his brother and his nephew filed for orders of protection against One-Legged-Gary, claiming to be in fear for their lives. After refusing to allow him to visit his own mother, and then framing Gary for credit fraud, theft, and impersonating his own mother while she died and he was left helpless and cut out of the will, both Steve Mansons filed very dramatic petitions for orders of protection against Gary Manson. He was unable to get to court and the orders were granted in his absence and inability to de...